How to choose wedding ceremony music: an introduction

As wedding ceremony professionals, one of the most common questions we are asked is “How do I choose my wedding music?” Unfortunately, there is no simple, straight answer to this question. I always ask couples to first consider the mood that they would like to create, and go from there. Next we can look at the type of ceremony (church ceremony, outdoor ceremony, religious, non-religious etc.) We can consider the structure of the ceremony: is it short or long? Is it a full Mass in a cathedral, or a gathering with family and friends at a winery? How many people will be at the ceremony? Do the bride and groom have a special song they would like performed? Is there a singer? Has someone in the bide and grooms family written any music? These and other questions are great for the couple to ponder, and will go a long way in not just choosing music, but choosing music that is a reflection of the couple.

I am always wiling and eager to help my clients, and they can call or email me anytime.

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